Start Using CarBeast Today

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per car for one year of access


one-time purchase

no recurring charges

easy refunds

CarBeast helps you make informed decisions for the ownership, repair and maintenance of your car.

Ready To Get Started?

Create a free account and test drive CarBeast.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is CarBeast?

CarBeast is a service that draws on the combined knowledge of technicians to help you make more informed decisions regarding the ownership and upkeep of your car. CarBeast uses millions of repair records to provide:

CarBeast Foresight

Predicts repairs that may soon be needed for your car.
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CarBeast Insight

Suggests repairs to fix problems with your car.
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How much does CarBeast cost?

For a limited time, CarBeast is available for just $7.99 per car for one year of access.

What is CarBeast's refund policy?

If you’re not satisfied with your CarBeast purchase, it is easy to ask for a refund. Within 7 days of your purchase

  1. Sign in to your account
  2. Go to the contact page and choose the "Refund" option to submit a request
  3. You will receive an email with the next steps

Please read the CarBeast terms and conditions for more details regarding refunds.

Where can I use it?

CarBeast is available as a web application optimized for modern desktop and mobile web browsers.

Can I try it out for free?

CarBeast offers a Test Drive feature at no cost. It lets you use and explore CarBeast Insight and CarBeast Foresight for free, before purchasing a subscription. The Test Drive feature lets you:

View Insight's diagnosis for a single example symptom.

View a Foresight report for an example car.

How do I continue using CarBeast after one year?

You may make another purchase once your access period is over.

What cars are supported?

CarBeast supports all major passenger cars and trucks sold in North America. At present, CarBeast does not support other types of vehicles such as motorcycles, scooters, or RVs. You'll be able to verify if your car is supported or not before making a purchase.

What happens if I sell my car and buy a new one?

Each purchase is tied to a car. If you'd like to use CarBeast with your new car, you'll need to make another purchase.

When I sell my car, can I transfer my CarBeast access to the new owner?

At present, CarBeast does not allow you to transfer your purchase to another person.