The approximate cost for a GMC Yukon XL transfer case control module replacement is $365 to $506. This could vary depending on your location, and whether the repair is performed at a dealership or independent shop.
These symptoms may indicate that a GMC Yukon XL requires a transfer case control module replacement. Click on any of the symptoms to get a CarBeast diagnosis, specific to your car, and check if any other repairs might solve the problem.
For each symptom, you can see a sample repair order from CarBeast’s database of hundreds of millions of repairs. What is a repair order?
CST STATED SERVICE 4WD LT IS ON 7442 Found code C0398 and U0403 again. odule keeps losing its calibration. Ordered TCCM. Reclibrated actuator to disengage 4wd . Part cae in, installed new TCCM ,progammed wcc# 1AA70 . Setip CTCM, wcc# FD31E .Performed range acuator calibration. . RANSFER CASE CONTROL MODULE REPLACEMENT
CUST TSATES STUCK IN 4WD DRRIVE 31633 Sacnned and found codes U0403, C0397 and C038D. TCCM keeps losing its calibrations. Installed new TCCM . Programming WCC# 1A072 Setup WCC# FD91E Cleared dtc's. . TRANSFERRING CASING CONTROL MODULE RPL